Saturday, December 31, 2011
Happy New Year!
A New Year is right around the corner! A brand new clean calendar! It's up to each one of us what we do with it. Each year I make the same goals with a possible extra or two tossed in for good measure. I prefer to use "goals" instead of "resolutions" because I feel that I am taking already important things in my life and putting my focus on strengthening them.
1. To make an effort to learn something new every day. The joy of knowledge is indeed a blessing no matter what you choose to learn.
2. To make time for myself. It's amazing what 15 minutes sitting on the deck with a hot cup of coffee and watching the birds can do for my soul. A little time each day to refresh my spirit is all it takes.
3. To take time to appreciate each day. Too often we forget to see the beauty around us and take the simple things in life for granted. My continued goal is to look with my eyes but to see with my heart. To simply enjoy life and all that is a part of it.
4. To enjoy my family and friends. I am lucky to have each and every one of them in my life. I have been blessed with so many online friends and each day I am grateful for each one of you! My online stitching and blogging friends are a very important part of my life!
5. Organize and Simplify! Two key words I always yearn to make a part of my everyday routine but often lose focus on. Organize doesn't mean I have to go on a cleaning rampage each day. It just means I need to get my life and things that are a part of my life in some of manageable order so that I feel comfortable instead of constantly overwhelmed. Not putting things off until the last minute can contribute greatly to this cause! Simplify! Just what it means - plain and simple! Stop making a mountain out of a mole hill, do what I can and leave the rest, don't volunteer for more than I feel I can handle or feel will stress me out!
6. To Remember. So many people have come and gone from my life over the recent years and I want to keep their memory alive.
7. To keep my faith alive and strong.
8. The past several years have been horrible for us and have only continued to get worse. Changing things will be hard and will not happen immediately but I am determined to get our lives on track again.
9. To Forgive. Things happen that cause hurt, anger and resentment but often the people who cause these emotions don't care. We are the ones left with bitter feelings that only mount up and make us more and more miserable. I will let the past remain in the past and let go of these feelings so that I can move on with my life.
10. To use kind words and practice patience more often. I will try to live by the good old standard saying "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."
And of course the New Year just wouldn't be complete without a few just plain fun goals!
1. Take more trips. Even day trips can be fun.
2. No pressure. Keep the fun and joy in stitching. This is why I started in the first place! I actually have several special projects planned for this year but will keep them a secret until I start.
3. Work on some WIPs I have been neglectful of. Each stitch on them brings me a little closer to a finish!
4. I also have a lot of freebies, smalls and magazine patterns I have been wanting to stitch.
5. Take more pictures.
Have a safe New Year's Eve! Thanks for stopping by! Until next time, may you have simple days and an uncluttered heart.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Taking a Moment
I was going to start Favorite Spot Sampler over the weekend but decided to put a few more stitches in Parson Brown by NFF first. He was sitting in my basket and begging for a little attention. I have actually gotten quite a bit done on him in the past several days. I did change several colors just for the sake of my decor. I hope to have him finished by the end of the year then I will pick up Favorite Spot Sampler. I can just see Poor Maidens, Parson Brown and Favorite Spot Sampler in a group together! I'm not sure how I will finish them yet but I can cross that bridge when I come to it! It's been a busy several days with no camera time but I will get a picture of it soon to post!
I knew I would fall behind on my daily blogging but my intentions are good. Thanks for stopping by again. I always enjoy your visits and comments. Until next time, may you have simple days and an uncluttered heart. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Morning After

First we went out to lunch for a super sized burger. Then he took me to the LNS and I picked up several items for my stash! The Green Santa and Black Santa by BOAF and Favorite Spot Sampler by PSS. After I saw the Spot Sampler finished off at the LNS, I knew I would have a new start this weekend so I came home and got everything kitted up for it.

I had yet another realization. I love samplers, no doubt and I certainly don't want to give up on them but I also love smalls. I used to do a lot of smalls. I enjoyed stitching them and finishing them off. They are fun, quick and satisfying. I love baskets and bowls filled with wonderful things. I enjoy stitched pillows, too. I have been working on bigger pieces and only framing. Time to spread my wings again and savor it all!
This is Christmas week and I'm sure everyone will be holiday busy! Enjoy yourself and the season! Thanks for stopping by again.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Short and Sweet

Our weather has been really wonky for the month of December. We have gone from freezing temps back up to early Spring like weather. Then it has continued to bounce around.
Today is our errand day. Grocery shopping and more. Since tomorrow is my birthday, I want to get everything finished off today so I can do whatever I want on my day.
I hope everyone has a lovely day. Thank you for stopping by! It's always nice to get a visit from my friends!
Monday, December 12, 2011
When I posted yesterday I thought it was going to be just another ho hum day of trying to get these computer programs straightened out again. When DH got up, he asked if I found the package he brought in. Package? What package? After I saw the return address, I tore into the cardboard delight! It was just what I needed! A tin of Edgar's yummy Christmas candy! I don't who was more thrilled - me, DH or our two bottomless pits! Thank you again Edgar! If you have never visited his blog, you must stroll on over and see his beautiful stitching!
While going through some Christmas ornaments, I came across several special ones. The gold Elvis. Tacky in it's own way but it was a joke gift from my Dad one year. I have always loved Elvis and my dad liked to tell a story of when I was about 4 years old. I was so terribly in love with The King back then that when I heard his music, I would run through the house screaming his name then in a fit of exhaustion I would throw myself on the floor and just sob. lol. A little dramatic but hey, I was in love! lol. No picture of it because the camera refused to focus on it properly. I guess Elvis was wiggling his hips too much! lol.
The second ornament was another gift from my dad. It's a Hallmark ornament that looks like a radio. When you press a button, my dad's recorded voice sends us his Christmas greeting. I tried to hear his voice but the batteries were dead. I remember his voice. Strong and vibrant but I wanted to actually hear it again! DH went out and picked up some batteries after I had expressed my dismay. Now I have a part of my dad with me for the holidays again!
I hope everyone has a wonderful day and finds their own suprises that will bring a smile!
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Looking Back
Top News Headlines This Week:
Dec 10 - 1st black American awarded Nobel Peace Prize - Ralph J Bunche Dec 10 - Ralph J Bunche (1st black American) presented Nobel Peace Prize Dec 11 - Baseball owners vote 9-7 not to renew Commissioner Chandler's contract Dec 11 - Hindemiths Concerto for clarinet, premieres Dec 12 - 16th Heisman Trophy Award: Vic Janowicz, Ohio State (HB) Dec 12 - Baseball owners vote to drop 4-year old bonus & high school rule
Top Songs for 1950
Mona Lisa by Nat King Cole Goodnight, Irene by Weavers with Gordon Jenkins,
Chattanoogie Shoe Shine Boy by Red Foley I Can Dream, Can't I? by Andrews Sisters,
The Tennessee Waltz by Patti Page, The Thing by Phil Harris,
The Third Man Theme by Anton Karas (also Guy Lombardo) If I Knew You Were Comin' I'd've Baked a Cake by Eileen Barton, All My Love by Patti Page Harbor Lights by Sammy Kaye
1950 Prices
Bread: $0.14/loaf Harry S. Truman
Milk: $0.82/gal
Eggs: $0.70/doz
Car: $1,750
Gas: $0.27/gal
House: $14,500
Stamp: $0.03/ea
Avg Income: $3,815/yr
Min Wage: $0.75/hr
People born on December 10
1952 - Susan Hallock Dey Illinois, actress (1st Love, Partridge Family, LA Law)
1830 - Emily Dickinson Amherst MA, poet (Collected Poems)
1914 - Dorothy Lamour [Mary Kaumeyer] New Orleans LA, actress (Road to Bali, Greatest Show on Earth)
On TV in 1950
Time for Beany Truth or Consequences The Alan Young Show
The Ed Sullivan Show The Burns and Allen Show
Hot New Toys in 1950
Little People Clue
(taken from
Friday, December 09, 2011
A Christmas Legend
The Christmas night was extremely cold and a cold breeze blew constantly into the stable where Mother Mary lay with her infant, Jesus. The fire in the stable, the only source of heat for the baby, was about to go off and all that Mary could do was call the surrounding animals for help. She asked the sleeping ox, lazy donkey, horse and the sheep, but they were either of no use or just refused to help. Suddenly, Mary heard the flapping sound of wings. A robin had heard Mother Mary's cry for help and had flown to the stable to help her out. The robin flapped his wings hard at the dying embers of fire until the fire was rekindled and became bright red. He fanned continuously, flapping hard so that the fire never went out and kept the baby warm. To ensure that the fire stayed alive, the robin used his beak and dropped some dry sticks in the fire. This caused the fire to rise abruptly and it burnt the breast of the bird. Despite the burns that he received, the bird didn't bother and continued fanning so that the infant could be kept warm for long enough to sleep comfortably. Mother Mary heartily thanked the robin for his efforts and tenderly looked at his breast that was now red with the burns and blessing him for his deed of valor and selflessness.
Thursday, December 08, 2011
Rethinking the Plan
I am confident that I have figured out what I will be doing and how I will work the rotations. For now, I feel like it's a good plan.
WIPocalypse 2012 - I will work on The Mother's Tree a week a month until finished then pick up another WIP.
Oldest UFO - I will work on AAFG by Rosewood Manor a week a month until finished.
Elizabeth Hancock - I will work on this piece a week a month until finished.
TUSAL - No problems. No worries. Just a picture once a month.
LHN Ornament - This is more of an incentive to get me working on some of these ornaments I have wanted to do as I can. This is a No Stress SAL so I won't stress out!
These will be my focus pieces for now. As I said before, I know I won't be able to resist the new start bug every so often. I went through my stitching basket, cleaned it out and set up everything I would need when I am ready to begin!
Thank you for stopping by again! Have a wonderful day!
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
Bizzare December Holidays
December is . . . . Hi Neighbor Month, National Stress Free Family Holiday Month, Bingo's Birthday Month, and Read A New Book Month
December 2 is . . . . . National Fritters Day
December 3 is . . . . . National Roof-Over-Your-Head Day
December 4 is . . . . . Wear Brown Shoes Day
December 5 is . . . . . National Sacher Torte Day
December 6 is . . . . . National Gazpacho Day and Mitten Tree Day
December 7 is . . . . . National Cotton Candy Day
December 8 is . . . . . Take It In The Ear Day
December 9 is . . . . . National Pastry Day
December 10 is . . . . Festival For The Souls Of Dead Whales
December 11 is . . . . National Noodle Ring Day
December 12 is . . . . National Ding-A-Ling Day
December 13 is . . . . Ice Cream and Violins Day
December 14 is . . . . National Bouillabaisse Day
December 15 is . . . . National Lemon Cupcake Day
December 16 is . . . . National Chocolate Covered Anything Day
December 17 is . . . . Underdog Day and National Maple Syrup Day
December 18 is . . . . National Roast Suckling Pig Day
December 19 is . . . . Oatmeal Muffin Day
December 20 is . . . . Games Day
December 21 is . . . . Look At The Bright Side Day, National Flashlight Day,
December 22 is . . . . National Date-Nut Bread Day
December 23 is . . . . Roots Day
December 24 is . . . . National Egg Nog Day
December 25 is . . . . National Pumpkin Pie Day
December 26 is . . . . National Whiners Day
December 27 is . . . . National Fruitcake Day
December 28 is . . . . Card Playing Day and National Chocolate Day
December 29 is . . . . Pepper Pot Day
December 30 is . . . . Festival Of Enormous Changes At The Last Minute and
December 31 is . . . . Unlucky Day
Tuesday, December 06, 2011
Day 6
Has anyone seen the new LHN Elizabeth Hancock coming out this month? That is must have when it becomes available! I had promised myself I would put no more than 2 big designs on my 2012 list. I already have one and this one will make two!
My side is feeling better each day. I was able to get out of bed this morning without flinching. Just taking it easy, getting a little catch up done around the house and hopefully I can stitch this evening but I keep reminding myself to be careful so I don't have to go through all that again!
Until tomorrow, have a wonderful day and thank you for stopping by!
Monday, December 05, 2011
First Monday of the Month
The holiday season is full of traditions. Some new, some old. Some lost but remembered, some carried on through out the years. We have a few that have survived but I have one just for myself. Each season, I buy myself a new holiday coffee mug. It's an expensive tradition but one that I enjoy. My special mugs go into a separate cabinet. Over the years some have been broken, cracked or the design has worn off after so many washings but I always enjoy looking over them, using them and picking another new mug each year!
After Saturday's post, I realized that I left out two very big holiday favorites! The movie, It's A Wonderful Life! My family could care less about the movie but they all gather around to watch it with it with me mainly because they want to see me cry like a baby at the end and get their annual holiday laugh! Meanies! lol. And the Christmas carol, O Holy Night. Each time I hear it, my heart gets full and I get tears in my eyes.
After my side feels better, I will pull out the camera and take a few pictures to post. Thank you for stopping by again! Your visits and comments always mean so much!
Sunday, December 04, 2011
Sunday, Day 4
I decided to take the weekend to pamper the wound. No lifting. No stretching. No bending. Or as little as possible. A little hard since I had to go grocery shopping but DH was my helper and went in with me, pushed the heavy cart, got items off the lower and top of shelves, then he and the boys brought the groceries in for me. Of course I had to put them away after we got home but every little bit helps while I am on the mend.
Hopefully, I will be able to pick up my needle again soon and get back to stitching instead of screaming!
Friday, December 02, 2011
I spent a couple of days going through my empty jars for one that could be used for the 2012 TUSAL (link in sidebar). Do I want one with a lid? A lid would be safe. My guys see a jar sitting on the table with Orts, they think it's trash and out it goes while I'm not looking!
I went back and read over the challenge rules I have signed up for and (oops) I was supposed to post some pictures of what I will be working on! So without further delay....
First is AAFG by Rosewood Manor for the Oldest UFO challenge (link in sidebar). Actually I have little bit more than this done but it still has a long way to go! I am half way finished so another half left to be done.

Next up is This is the Day which was from a JCS magazine. I would like to finish it up as I am doing it in memory of my FIL so I will putting his initials and dates on it. He was a man of very strong faith. I am doing the border flowers in green because they look like little pineapples to me. Old eyes? But every home needs a welcoming pineapple so I went for it.
Last but not least is The Mother's Tree (not pictured). I'm sure I have a few more WIPs but these are the ones I will focus on getting finished. There will be new starts without a doubt but I am going to try the size of them down or just not start too many large ones.
Thanks for stopping by again! Have a great day!
Thursday, December 01, 2011
This morning I signed up for NaBloPoMo for the month of December. It sounds like an interesting challenge and one that will get me back blogging on a more regular basis. I don't know how well I will do at every day blogging but I will definitely try! When I first started this blog, I did blog every day or close to it.
This month's theme is Gifts. The first gift that came to mind was my blog and the wonderful community of stitchers that I share it with! You have all added so much joy to my days. You are each so special and bring me smiles, inspiration and a good warm fuzzy feeling! Thank you for being my gift! I couldn't have thought of a better one!
Enjoy the day and I will post again tomorrow! Hopefully.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tomorrow is December!
Our weather was chilly before Thanksgiving then it warmed back up for holiday. The temps have dropped back down again so it was time to turn the heat back on. No Heat! We have no idea what happened within several days time but until the fix it man comes out, we are relying on the fireplace!
Since my last post, I began a new start. Like I said before, I am sticking with the Winter theme for awhile so I pulled Parson Brown by NFF from my stash. I have changed a couple of colors around to show up better on the fabric I'm using. I also put a few more stitches into The Mother's Tree. The letters are beautiful but tedious to stitch. I want to keep at it though so it doesn't become a UFO. I am taking my time with these for the remainder of the year.
I joined a few challenges for the upcoming year as well. TUSAL just for fun. WIPocalypse because it may be the incentive I need to get several of these WIPs finally finished off and The Oldest UFO seemed to be a fitting challenge to help me finally get And A Forest Grew by Rosewood Manor finished or close to it. That piece has been in my basket for close to six years now! I totally bombed out on last year's challenge but life happens. My intentions are good though! Fingers crossed for 2012! All links can be found in my side bar to the right.
While cleaning out a forgotten drawer, I found some hidden away freebie ornament patterns! It was like bringing home a load of new stash! I would love a basket filled with these smalls. Like I really need another project or theme going on but I do have the charts. Who knows how well this will pan out but I went ahead and put it on the list! Wow. That list is getting loooong! Nothing definite. Just the wheels of my mind kicking into gear again! lol.
With everything that seems to have been going on around here, I just haven't felt like pulling out my camera. Hopefully next time I will have some pictures to share! Thank you for dropping by! Your visits and comments always brighten my day!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Get Ready to Get Stuffed!
What a week it was since I last posted! The kind of "thank goodness that's over" type of week. It all began with our phone and internet service. Losing connection in the middle of a telephone call, soooooo sloooooow internet and just a major annoyance. They came out in a jiffy and it took a little while longer than I had anticipated but both are working 110% now. That should have been enough. Right? Nope. We were without any water for more than 30 hours. That was a real annoyance with dishes piling up in the sink, the dirty clothes hamper seemed to fill up faster than usual, no showers to be had and something as simple as washing your hands was unavailable!
DH is home on vacation again for the Turkey holiday. I do like having him around. During the evening we sit in the living area while he reads his astronomy magazines or works on his hobby and I stitch. It just reminds me of our earlier pre-kids days and has a cozy feel to it.
Did I mention that Poor Maidens was a gift from a lovely someone? I was so thrilled and couldn't stop dancing around the room. DH thought I was totally crazy! lol. I finished off AWWR - sort of. DH likes it better without the border. Yes, I usually show him my stitching and get his input. I still haven't decided whether to add the border or not so for now it remains a sort of finish.
While going through my stash I saw all those wonderful bird designs that are waiting to be done and remembered I also want a bird wall! Do I have enough walls? For now I am loving stitching on these pieces for my Winter wall and will probably concentrate on them for awhile. Now to go through my stash and find my next new start!
I have been keeping some candy on hand lately and I am beginning to gain some weight back. All my tests came back normal so I have another appointment with the doctor to discuss other possibilities. He thinks it could be something as simple as nerves. He said that's pretty common when you get older. Gee, thanks doc! Maybe I should tell him that he's no spring chicken either! lol.
Mr. Turkey is in the fridge getting thawed out for the big day. I always make my standard dressing that everyone loves for Thanksgiving dinner but I like play around with an extra dressing recipe looking for that perfect one with that special umph. This year I have come up with, what I think, will be THE one! Actually I am basing it on a salad that I love from a local restaurant (minus the lettuce)! Just sort of making it up as I go type thing. I'll let you know if turns out as good as I am hoping. What all do you fix for Thanksgiving? Any traditional dishes? Any new experimental ones?
Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for dropping by! I wish you all a wonderful holiday!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Happy Dance!
I re-arranged some things on the bookshelf, including my shelf of sewing goodies and a few things that are dear to my heart. Scissors I have accumulated displayed in the frog that Edgar sent to me. The glass cookie jar holding my collection of tomato pincushions complete with pins (sorry for the glare on the glass), a jar of buttons and of course my beloved corn shuck dolls that had once belonged to my Aunt. You can't see it but I even have a couple of Gee Haw Whimmy Diddles that my Grandpa made for me many years ago.
I finally have my first finish of the year! Here it is, all stitched up in practically no time and ready to get finished off for display. Poor Maidens by Paulette of Plum Street Samplers! I fell in love with the design immediately when I saw it and knew it would be a must. It was such a fun stitch and I enjoyed working on it so much! I could hardly put it down to do any housework. It was just what I need to renew my motivation.
It is worked on 18 count Fiddlers Cloth with the recommended DMC colors except for the middle maiden's dress which I changed to red (for my added red fix). I don't know why my green looks different from the picture but I still love it! The Fiddlers Cloth was the perfect choice because it gives the piece a rustic look. This is my first PSS finish and the first piece for my Winter wall. I. Am. Thrilled!
There are a few other Christmas/winter designs I want to get or are already in my stash that I want to do now. After I finished off Poor Maidens, I picked up my WIP of AWWR by Shakespeare Peddler and am almost finished with it! Then I made a "Christmas hint" list for dh which includes Favorite Spot Sampler by PSS. It looks like another really fun stitch and perfect for my winter wall!
In my last post I mentioned that I had made my list of pieces to stitch on the remainder of this year and into 2012. I divided this list into categories or walls I want to have. Adam and Eve/nature wall, In Memory Of/samplers wall, Winter wall and my yearly reminder wall. The last one is for those quotes I like to do each year that remind me how I want to live or things I just tend to forget and need a gentle reminder of i.e. Treat Yourself Well (Lauren's Voice) by La D Da.
Thanks for stopping by to join in my Happy Dance! I always enjoy your visits and comments. Until next time, may you have simple days and an uncluttered heart!
Saturday, November 05, 2011
Hello. Hello.
After I began to feel better I decided to continue on my goal to downsize by cleaning out more closets and drawers. Just stuff we never use or wear anymore. For now, these spaces are looking are little neater and less intimidating. Of course I couldn't toss out any stitching stash, scrapbooking supplies or fabrics!
I worked on the Mother's Tree for a bit after the meds took effect and I stopped all that horrible coughing. Once I got my mother's line finished up (the longest line of the group), I was able to cut off that excess that was making it so difficult to hold. I am hoping it will move along quicker and smoother now it won't feel so terribly heavy as I stitch!
I was asked what I put on my list for the remainder of 2011 and 2012. I have four WIPs I want to finish up. I think I will keep the rest of the list a surprise. A surprise to my readers and probably to me as well. I usually just grab what speaks to me at the moment but I still like making the list! I would be thrilled to get half of these stitched and completed since this year was not productive at all with no finishes to date. Do you make a list for the upcoming New Year or just grab whatever calls to you at the moment?
DH took some vacation time last week. It was nice to have him home. We were able to mark a few things off our "to do" list around the house. I didn't get much stitching done while he was home and I am already looking forward to his next vacation over Thanksgiving week.
Our weekends of errands never take a vacation though. We spent our usual weekends taking care of these and hitting the grocery store (which we both hate doing more and more each time it rolls around). I have been stocking up on Thanksgiving stuff the past few trips and this time I was able get more of the big meal including the guest of honor - Mr. Turkey!
Sorry I have no pictures this time. I promise to pull out my camera soon and take a few snaps of things I keep saying "I should post that on my blog"! I am still waiting for those lab results from the doctor and while I wait my weight is continuing to dip lower and lower. It is getting to the point I feel very uncomfortable with it or maybe it's just the nervousness accompanied by it. Actually, it would be a pleasant weight if I was about 7 inches shorter in height!
Anywho, thanks for stopping by. I always enjoy your visits so much!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Short and Sweet
I went to the dr. and it turns out that my cold is really bronchitis so they gave me some meds to knock it out. He sent me over to the lab to get some blood work done and hopefully that will show if I am hyperthyroid again or if it is something else going on. He promised to get me back to normal. I couldn't help but laugh and told him "I think at my age, normal is a lost cause".
Each time I picked up my stitching, my eyes got dry and itchy from allergies or I just fell asleep so not much got done on that side of the coin.
Another thing I did was to start making a list of the pieces I want to work on through the rest of 2011 and for 2012. It always looks so good on paper. Organized, thought out and full of promises. But I have to say the actual finished pieces do look better on the walls than a list! *wink*
Thank you to everyone who entered my giveaway! I wish I could send a set of these to each of you. The winner is Calamity Jr. Congratulations!
Until next time, may you have simple days and an uncluttered heart.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Ho Ho Ho and Giveaway!

I noticed that my blog has been missing some stitching pictures the past several times I posted! It happens to all of us every so often but I still feel guilty. After all, this is a stitching blog! Thank you for the comments and emails about my bursitis but it happens (too) every so often. Thanks to some TLC and meds it is all better for now!
I have been battling my first cold of the season. At first I thought it might be allergies but once everyone else began sneezing and coughing along with me, I had second thoughts. Out came the quilt my Grandma made for us and I have been sneaking in some naps, wrapped up nice and cozy. There is something magical about this quilt. It even makes me feel better than homemade chicken soup! Oh yeah, she could make a good pot of that, too.
Christmas stitching is showing up more and more on a lot of the blogs. I love these but I seldom do any type of holiday stitching that is bigger than ornament size. Not because I don't want to. The problem is that I know I will not want to put them away for a year! *big slap on the forehead* What am I thinking? I keep my Santa collection out year round! There are several Christmas designs in my stash I have been itching to do for a few years (or longer) and I am working on A Weary World Rejoices (a verse from a Christmas carol). So get off it and start working on them (that's me fussing at myself. lol). I haven't even started yet but the design pictured by NNF is the one I really want to do (first). What do you do with bigger holiday pieces after the season is over?
For those of you who showed concern over my sudden weight loss, I spoke with my Endocrinologist. They will probably do some tests. I was hyper thyroid until 2007 when they gave me radioactive iodine to kill it off. Then I was supposed to do an about face and go hypo thyroid so they could give me medicine to control it. My thyroid levels never went below normal so I was never put on the medicine. I was shocked to find out that hyperthyroidism can come back! It doesn't happen often but it does happen! I have been having some of the symptoms that I had before - just not as bad. Time (and some lab work) will tell.
I think it's time for another giveaway! This time I am going to offer 3 La D Da charts. You are my Sunshine, Merry Sunshine and Mares Eat Oats.They are from my stash but have never been used. One person will win all three. No rules to speak of. Just leave a comment on this post by October 23 and make sure there is a way for me to contact you in the event you win.
Until next time, may you have simple days and an uncluttered heart!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Getting Back to Normal
Things are back to usual around here. DH finally finished up with those awful wonky hours he was working. Yea! Over the weekend while cleaning out some drawers I found some of my old journals (actual writing type) and a few of them were not even half full so I decided to pick up my daily writings again. I love my blog and hearing from all my wonderful blogland friends but something about pen in hand satisfies my soul. It was fun to read some past writings as well. Speaking of cleaning out drawers, it felt good to get around to this task. Geesh, all the junk that accumulates over time! Didn't I just do this not too long ago?
While we ran around over the weekend, trying to catch up on errands that had been shoved aside to a later time while DH worked those stinky hours I was able to finally get my hair trimmed. Thank Goodness! I was beginning to feel and look like a witch on her worst hair day! All I needed was a few missing teeth and a cackeling laugh to complete the picture!
Then on we went to conquer more errands and of course, the grocery shopping. Every now and then my family gets on healthy kick. I mean they actually go overboard on it! No junk food at all! Healthy is good and I am happy to accommodate them but sometimes I want my chocolate and cheese straws so deal with it! The goodies get put away in a hiding place for my own private snack stash. After a few days of total health food, they usually begin to crave something sweet or "junky" so they sift through my goodies accompanied by a remark like "you only buy the good food for yourself"! *rolling eyes*
Lately I have noticed that the skin on my neck is starting sag. Ugh! Another sign of getting older! I pulled out my night time firming cream and have used it for awhile. Maybe it's just me and my wishful thinking but it seems to be working! As I get older I have noticed traits of loved ones showing up. I took a close up shot of Edna. She looks pretty good in her golden years! A little bit of a double chin on her but the old gal has held up well.
As usual I have rummaged through my stash dreaming of a new start! Nothing new about that. Shame on me! Double shame on me! Unfortunately, I don't have any new stitching to show since the bursitis in my shoulder has been acting up lately. Not fun. Even the weight of a needle and repition of stitching hurts like crazy! Thank goodness, with the help of some meds, that is all over now!
Thanks for stopping by again! I always enjoy your visits and comments!
Saturday, October 01, 2011
Happy October!
Every now and then when I become over envious of everyone's beautiful stitching on linen, I will pull out my 28ct. Monaco fabric to practice on. I keep hoping that one day my eyes will miraculously develop perfect vision again on their own whim and I will be able to turn out the same stunning work on this beautiful fabric. Oh, I'm not complaining because for so many years I unable to stitch at all but it can't hurt to try every so often. Right?

OMG! What was I thinking! I got it all set up and ready to put a few xxxxx's in. I went cross eyed in no time flat and had blurry vision for over 10 minutes. DH kept looking at me funny and finally asked why I was blinking so much! Maybe after I eventually have eye surgery I can try again but not now! So, I will visit blogs and drool over everyone's masterpieces on linen. As for me, Aida has been with me since the beginning and I can still count (literally) on it.
What WIPs do I have in my basket now? Marianne and The Mother's Tree are my current ones. The ones I saw alone and forgotten are A Weary World Rejoices by Shakespeare Peddler (which was nearing it's end when I set it down & pictured below) and AAFG by Rosewood Manor (which I have been working on for about 5 years now. OMG!) It might even be a good center piece to put into an A&E wall. I am about half way finished with that one. It's a fun stitch but it does get tedious.

My neighbor and I love to watch the hummingbirds during our daily chats out in the yard. She has several feeders and her yard is always full of the little friendly ones but I don't have a feeder this year and I miss them terribly. The other day, she came knocking at my door with a present for me! A hummingbird feeder. How sweet of her! Now I can drink my morning coffee on the deck and enjoy their flights! Below is a picture of my first visitor!
I played around with my pincushion collection, wanting to show them off as showcase worthy as possible. I found an old glass cookie jar, empty in the cupboard and decided to use it for now. My favorite one is an old red velvet like material. It was my first pincushion as a new wife and has been used over and over until it is now soft, faded, worn and stuffed with memories of quilting, last minute repairs on an item before someone left for school or work, homemade Halloween costumes, crafts for school projects and much more. Even though the others are also loaded with pins, I always reach for this one first. Some things just feel right.
Thanks for stopping by! Your visits and comments make my day brighter!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Dropping In

It's another Monday. Nothing exciting happened over the weekend. As a matter of fact, the weekend was full of headaches. Our main computer got zapped by a nasty, nasty bug and we spent the majority of our time trying to find and retrieve files. Not fun! Things have turned upside down around our place for awhile but I am hoping all will be back to usual within several weeks so for now, I don't have a lot of stitching to report on or show off.
Over the weekend, I decided to take a trip through my past blog posts. I saw a lot of birds, nature photos, scrapbooking endeavors, trips we took and stitching. I couldn't help but notice that although many of the projects had either been finished off or still in WIP mode, there were a few that I had not picked up in a long time. They were just sitting around, waiting for some attention. What a waste of my time and their potential finished beauty! So I dug them out, kitted them back up and have them in my basket of growing WIPs. I may need to find another basket to house them all until they each begin to finish off! I don't even want to list the total number as it makes me mad at myself for letting this happen! When I first began stitching I would never, never, never let this happen. I would start one and work on it until it was finished. Of course, back then I didn't have all these wonderful designs to choose from either so I'm not complaining!
How many WIPs and UFOs do you have? *wink*
With everyone posting pictures of their new or familiar established pets, I was feeling out of the loop. Should I post a picture of some of the regular visitors to my backyard kingdom? Then I saw Edna sitting all by herself on the chair. She is such a good ol' gal and never complains. A quality worth appreciating. She doesn't look especially happy about anything but she always catches my eye as I walk by and gives me reason to smile. I fluffed up her dress and spread out the skirt all nice and pretty for a picture. Who is to say that she didn't enjoy the much over due attention?
Thanks so much for stopping by! Your visits and comments always brighten my day. Until next time, may you have simple days and an uncluttered heart.
Friday, September 23, 2011
A Short Post
Now for the winner of my silly song giveaway and the chart, Be You To Others by Hillside Sampling. The name of the song was "Does Your Chewing Gum Lose it's Flavor on the Bedpost Overnight?". It's one of those songs that can get stuck in your head for days at a time but it's a fun song with a catchy tune!
I drew a name from a bowl out of all the correct answers. The winner is -- drumroll, please -- Linda! Congratulations!
Thanks for stopping by and playing along with me! I always enjoy your visits and comments.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Two. Count 'em. Two!
I was asked to explain more about the Mother's Tree. This a family history tree of women on your maternal side. No siblings, aunts or cousins. You, your mother, her mother and so on. And only the women. No sons, brothers, ect. You could alter it if you wanted to though. Instead of trying to make a long, involved and confusing explanation, I have posted a picture of the chart by Lavender and Lace. I hope this helps to clear up any questions about it.

I just noticed that the picture (previous post) of the Mother's Tree gives away my age! Oh me, oh my, oh you, whatever shall I do? lol. Anyone out there remember that song? Leave me a comment with the name of the song and I will draw from all the correct answers for a chance at winning Be You To Others Sampler by Hillside Sampling (shown below). It has never been used. The contest closes at 6pm EDT September 21 and the winner will be announced on my blog on September 23rd. Be sure to include your email address so I can contact you should you win.

Thanks for stopping by!