Sunday, March 29, 2020

Day After Day!

Who would have guessed a month ago that life would (or even could) change so drastically! We try to do what normal things we can but everything is basically a day by day routine now (which is no actual routine). No vacation plans this year. No plans past today at all!

Like I mentioned in my last post, I have had plenty of stitching time. Lately I have been working on a special piece which seemed appropriate for Lent. I finished it up last night! Here is a picture of Alas! And did my Savior Bleed by Lindy Stitches. I bought it as a PDF file over at Etsy. I do love those PDF files! Just pay, print out and start stitching!  I have had a good bit of frogging on this one but only on those tiny little leaves.

I was on a roll so I picked up a new start. Can you guess what design it is?

We still have pizza night once a week. Then about every 7-10 days we place a carry out order from a local place (no big chains) to help show support during this time. Exciting, huh? LOL. Our local news has started a special segment once a week that showcases interesting areas around us so that we can make a list of places we would like to visit when things calm down.

Until next time may you have simple days, an uncluttered heart and stay safe!

Sunday, March 22, 2020

No Pictures Yet

I am still here. I took a little time off from my blog to get some things in order around here. I can't say anything exciting has been happening. There is only a self quarantine in effect around here and we have been doing our part. We shop for groceries online and then pick them up without having to go into the store. We occassionally have to go into a store but very seldom and we make it a quick trip. No lingering!

Luckily, the weekend before all the hullabaloo started we went to our favorite steak house which is now closed to eat in customers but does have take out. Just not the same as a nice sit down and chat dinner though.

This pandemic has taught me several things already. Patience. Everyone is doing their best and it doesn't help anyone to be snippy and lose my temper. It has taught me to appreciate everything and everyone I took for granted before. The little things that used to be so easy to find and just run out to pick up now have to be looked for day after day. The young girl at the grocery store who does my shopping and delivers to my car for pick up. I always thank her and make sure she knows that she is appreciated. And so much more!

I have definitely had time for my stitching! I have surprised myself at how much I have been able to accomplish with it lately!

Until next time may you have simple days, an uncluttered heart and be safe!

Saturday, March 14, 2020

I'll be back

I am taking a break from my blog. No, I am not sick. No family emergecies.

I just need a little "me" time to catch up on my life! Everyone stay safe and I will return later!

Monday, March 02, 2020

Short Again

We had a busy week going on. Between the two of us, we had a handful of doctor appointments plus a few errands. Luckily my grocery shopping had already been taken care of. That rash finally cleared up and I am not scratching like a dog with fleas anymore!

Our woodpecker is back. I have mentioned him before. He is the one who likes to peck on the house. Not the gutters but the house! And he pecks on the section which leads to our bedroom wall right above the bed so early in the morning we get awakened by tap, tap, tap above our heads! LOL. I keep trying to tell him that I bought a house just for him but he won't use it!!

No stitching this week. I put a special book in my stash drawer and it got stuck. I tried to open the drawer without tearing up the book and tore up my hands instead. They need to rest and heal awhile.

I have several SALs and/or Clubs that will probably be weekend work so I won't count them into the final decision and tally. Also I have several WIPs that I want to make myself work on at least one day a week until finished! Good intentions again!

I think that's enough. Until next time may you have simple days and an uncluttered heart!