Thursday, December 01, 2011


It's the first of December! And a cold start to the month. What a bad morning to be without heat! DH worked on it on last night and it actually ran but then stopped.

This morning I signed up for NaBloPoMo for the month of December. It sounds like an interesting challenge and one that will get me back blogging on a more regular basis. I don't know how well I will do at every day blogging but I will definitely try! When I first started this blog, I did blog every day or close to it.

This month's theme is Gifts. The first gift that came to mind was my blog and the wonderful community of stitchers that I share it with! You have all added so much joy to my days. You are each so special and bring me smiles, inspiration and a good warm fuzzy feeling! Thank you for being my gift! I couldn't have thought of a better one!

Enjoy the day and I will post again tomorrow! Hopefully.


Margaret said...

Oh boy, not good on the heat. I hope it gets fixed soon -- too cold to be without it! Good luck with the blogging every day!

barbara said...

I hope you warm up soon! And good luck with the NaBloPoMo challenge! :)

Julie M said...

Good luck on posting everyday! I always have good intentions but it just never happens!

Hope the heat if on now and you are warm and toasty!