A New Year is right around the corner! A brand new clean calendar! It's up to each one of us what we do with it. Each year I make the same goals with a possible extra or two tossed in for good measure. I prefer to use GOALS instead of RESOLUTIONS because I feel that I am taking already important things in my life and putting my focus on strengthening them.
1. To make an effort to learn something new every day. The joy of knowledge is indeed a blessing no matter what you choose to learn.
2. To make time for myself. It's amazing what 15 minutes sitting on the deck with a hot cup of coffee and watching the birds can do for my soul. A little time each day to refresh my spirit is all it takes.
3. To take time to appreciate each day. Too often we forget to see the beauty around us and take the simple things in life for granted. My continued goal is to look with my eyes but to see with my heart. To simply enjoy life and all that is a part of it.
4. To enjoy my family and friends. I am lucky to have each and every one of them in my life. I have been blessed with so many online friends and each day I am grateful for each one of you! My online stitching friends are a very important part of my life!
5. Organize and Simplify! Two key words I always yearn to make a part of my everyday routine but often lose focus on. Organize doesn't mean I have to go on a cleaning rampage each day. It just means I need to get my life and things that are a part of my life in some of manageable order so that I feel comfortable instead of constantly overwhelmed. Not putting things off until the last minute can contribute greatly to this cause! Simplify! Just what it means - plain and simple! Stop making a mountain out of a mole hill, do what I can and leave the rest, don't volunteer for more than I feel I can handle or feel will stress me out!
6. To Remember. So many people have come and gone from my life over the years and I want to keep their memory alive.
And of course the New Year just wouldn't be complete without a few stitching, collecting, decorating and quilting goals!
1. Make a big dent in my stash this year!
2. No pressure. Keep the fun and joy in stitching. This is why I started in the first place!
3. Continue stitching on AAFG & hopefully finish(keep as Friday night SAT project until complete)
4. Get Victoria's Quaker out of UFO pile and resume working on it & hopfully finish
5. Have more blog give a ways
6. Try to start one new stitch a month (and hopefully finish one too)
7. Work on ornaments and holiday stitches
8. Take knitting lessons
Be sure to sign up for the PIF drawing on Sunday's post by 5PM EST if you interested. I will be posting the winning names on tomorrow's post.
Have a safe New Year's Eve! Thanks for stopping by!