Saturday, October 13, 2007

Looky1 Looky!!

Yesterday was a fun mail day! My HOHRH chart arrived and I received my first Crazy Exchange ( What a fun group this will be! A wonderful little pin cushion pillow made by Carol (! Look at that wonderful beading around the edges! And she picked the perfect design for me! It is a design from AAFG which I am currently working on and I love my birds/ backyard wildlife! I just love it so much! Thank you, Carol! I hope I can make something just as nice to send you in return!

Yesterday I started on Sampler Folks by Carriage House Samplings. I need to make a run for some needed threads on Monday so that I can start HOHRH sometime next week!


BeckySC said...

What a GREAT exchange from Carol :)
I look forward to seeing your SF :)
Enjoy the weekend :)

Anonymous said...

It's so cute!

Carol said...

You are so welcome!!! It was fun and easy!! {{{HUGS}}} I cannot wait to see your Sampler Folk!!

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Congratulations on your first exchange! WooHoo!! :)
I'm excited to see all your new WIPs as they grow :) So what threads are you using for the houses?

Wendy said...

How wonderful! I love the beaded edging on it - that makes such a great added touch. Looking forwards to seeing your Sampler Folk!

Dani - tkdchick said...

What a wonderful exchange from Carol! Lovely beaded edge!

Mindi said...

What a gorgeous exchange! Glad your HoHRH chart arrived, and I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of your WIP. I'm having fun doing Villages.