Sunday, June 21, 2020

Happy Father's Day!

I am starting to have second thoughts about my infusion project! I still want to stitch The Fall by Barbara Anna Designs but I am just not sure if I want to take such a big piece of fabric to infusion each week but I WILL get to it! For now,I will have go through my stash and see what I can find.

We had a nice weekend and treated ourselves to some ice cream at the local ice cream shop here. A lemon shake for the Grumpy Ol Gazer and a hot fudge nut sundae for me! We also made another grocery trip. Lots and lots of fresh fruit this time of year! Peaches, sweet black plums, cherries, blueberries, strawberries and of course,watermelons! I always pick up a watermelon when they are in season.

Did you know that there are male and female watermelons? The males are the big oblong melon and are extra juicy. The female is round, has a sweeter taste but is still juicy enough. I usually buy the female. They are in the stores earlier plus they are a little bit easier to carry!

I was going to share my current stitch but decided I wanted to wait until I was a little farther along on it before doing that. I did not finish it up in time to take in for framing but it will go to the next sale in October! The Grumpy Ol Gazer had a follow up dr. appointment and I wanted to ride along (no one other than  patients allowed in dr. offices right now) so I took it along to stitch on while I waited in the car.

I took 6 pieces in to the framing sale this week. I am thrilled with the frames we picked out and can't wait to get them back! I have an empty wall in my dining area. After painting I never put anything back up on that wall so I have a blank canvas to work with! I am thinking I would like a nature wall (birds and other critters that wander into my backyard). I may have to intermingle a few other designs with it for the sake of space. It will be fun to work on pieces and watch that wall grow!

Thanks to everyone who sent get well wishes for the Grumpy Ol Gazer. He is actually doing better than before he went in the hospital! It's good to have him back home!

Until next time may you have simple days, an uncluttered heart and stay well.


Robin in Virginia said...

I love a good watermelon, but I am not really very good at picking them. I am looking forward to seeing the pieces return from the frame shop. Have a blessed day and enjoy the coming week!

marly said...

I eat 3 to 4 watermelons per week. During winter, I buy the overpriced precut offers. It is the only food item that feels good in my dry mouth plus I love them!!

Looking forward to the new wall display.