We have had sunny days, warm days and even chilly days. It's that time of the year when the weather bounces around and you may start off the day with warmer clothes then change over to something less bulky later in the day.
I went to the dr. and it turns out that my cold is really bronchitis so they gave me some meds to knock it out. He sent me over to the lab to get some blood work done and hopefully that will show if I am hyperthyroid again or if it is something else going on. He promised to get me back to normal. I couldn't help but laugh and told him "I think at my age, normal is a lost cause".
Each time I picked up my stitching, my eyes got dry and itchy from allergies or I just fell asleep so not much got done on that side of the coin.
Another thing I did was to start making a list of the pieces I want to work on through the rest of 2011 and for 2012. It always looks so good on paper. Organized, thought out and full of promises. But I have to say the actual finished pieces do look better on the walls than a list! *wink*
Thank you to everyone who entered my giveaway! I wish I could send a set of these to each of you. The winner is Calamity Jr. Congratulations!
Until next time, may you have simple days and an uncluttered heart.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Ho Ho Ho and Giveaway!

I noticed that my blog has been missing some stitching pictures the past several times I posted! It happens to all of us every so often but I still feel guilty. After all, this is a stitching blog! Thank you for the comments and emails about my bursitis but it happens (too) every so often. Thanks to some TLC and meds it is all better for now!
I have been battling my first cold of the season. At first I thought it might be allergies but once everyone else began sneezing and coughing along with me, I had second thoughts. Out came the quilt my Grandma made for us and I have been sneaking in some naps, wrapped up nice and cozy. There is something magical about this quilt. It even makes me feel better than homemade chicken soup! Oh yeah, she could make a good pot of that, too.
Christmas stitching is showing up more and more on a lot of the blogs. I love these but I seldom do any type of holiday stitching that is bigger than ornament size. Not because I don't want to. The problem is that I know I will not want to put them away for a year! *big slap on the forehead* What am I thinking? I keep my Santa collection out year round! There are several Christmas designs in my stash I have been itching to do for a few years (or longer) and I am working on A Weary World Rejoices (a verse from a Christmas carol). So get off it and start working on them (that's me fussing at myself. lol). I haven't even started yet but the design pictured by NNF is the one I really want to do (first). What do you do with bigger holiday pieces after the season is over?
For those of you who showed concern over my sudden weight loss, I spoke with my Endocrinologist. They will probably do some tests. I was hyper thyroid until 2007 when they gave me radioactive iodine to kill it off. Then I was supposed to do an about face and go hypo thyroid so they could give me medicine to control it. My thyroid levels never went below normal so I was never put on the medicine. I was shocked to find out that hyperthyroidism can come back! It doesn't happen often but it does happen! I have been having some of the symptoms that I had before - just not as bad. Time (and some lab work) will tell.
I think it's time for another giveaway! This time I am going to offer 3 La D Da charts. You are my Sunshine, Merry Sunshine and Mares Eat Oats.They are from my stash but have never been used. One person will win all three. No rules to speak of. Just leave a comment on this post by October 23 and make sure there is a way for me to contact you in the event you win.
Until next time, may you have simple days and an uncluttered heart!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Getting Back to Normal
Things are back to usual around here. DH finally finished up with those awful wonky hours he was working. Yea! Over the weekend while cleaning out some drawers I found some of my old journals (actual writing type) and a few of them were not even half full so I decided to pick up my daily writings again. I love my blog and hearing from all my wonderful blogland friends but something about pen in hand satisfies my soul. It was fun to read some past writings as well. Speaking of cleaning out drawers, it felt good to get around to this task. Geesh, all the junk that accumulates over time! Didn't I just do this not too long ago?
While we ran around over the weekend, trying to catch up on errands that had been shoved aside to a later time while DH worked those stinky hours I was able to finally get my hair trimmed. Thank Goodness! I was beginning to feel and look like a witch on her worst hair day! All I needed was a few missing teeth and a cackeling laugh to complete the picture!
Then on we went to conquer more errands and of course, the grocery shopping. Every now and then my family gets on healthy kick. I mean they actually go overboard on it! No junk food at all! Healthy is good and I am happy to accommodate them but sometimes I want my chocolate and cheese straws so deal with it! The goodies get put away in a hiding place for my own private snack stash. After a few days of total health food, they usually begin to crave something sweet or "junky" so they sift through my goodies accompanied by a remark like "you only buy the good food for yourself"! *rolling eyes*
Lately I have noticed that the skin on my neck is starting sag. Ugh! Another sign of getting older! I pulled out my night time firming cream and have used it for awhile. Maybe it's just me and my wishful thinking but it seems to be working! As I get older I have noticed traits of loved ones showing up. I took a close up shot of Edna. She looks pretty good in her golden years! A little bit of a double chin on her but the old gal has held up well.
As usual I have rummaged through my stash dreaming of a new start! Nothing new about that. Shame on me! Double shame on me! Unfortunately, I don't have any new stitching to show since the bursitis in my shoulder has been acting up lately. Not fun. Even the weight of a needle and repition of stitching hurts like crazy! Thank goodness, with the help of some meds, that is all over now!
Thanks for stopping by again! I always enjoy your visits and comments!
Saturday, October 01, 2011
Happy October!
Fall has arrived this weekend in the South. The weather has said that the warmer temps will return next week so far now I will enjoy the crisp cooler days and flannel pajamas at night. DH has been working those odd hours again that totally throw my internal calendar out of whack. I don't get a lot of stitching accomplished when he works these hours so I don't have any new progress photos to show off.
Every now and then when I become over envious of everyone's beautiful stitching on linen, I will pull out my 28ct. Monaco fabric to practice on. I keep hoping that one day my eyes will miraculously develop perfect vision again on their own whim and I will be able to turn out the same stunning work on this beautiful fabric. Oh, I'm not complaining because for so many years I unable to stitch at all but it can't hurt to try every so often. Right?

OMG! What was I thinking! I got it all set up and ready to put a few xxxxx's in. I went cross eyed in no time flat and had blurry vision for over 10 minutes. DH kept looking at me funny and finally asked why I was blinking so much! Maybe after I eventually have eye surgery I can try again but not now! So, I will visit blogs and drool over everyone's masterpieces on linen. As for me, Aida has been with me since the beginning and I can still count (literally) on it.
What WIPs do I have in my basket now? Marianne and The Mother's Tree are my current ones. The ones I saw alone and forgotten are A Weary World Rejoices by Shakespeare Peddler (which was nearing it's end when I set it down & pictured below) and AAFG by Rosewood Manor (which I have been working on for about 5 years now. OMG!) It might even be a good center piece to put into an A&E wall. I am about half way finished with that one. It's a fun stitch but it does get tedious.

My neighbor and I love to watch the hummingbirds during our daily chats out in the yard. She has several feeders and her yard is always full of the little friendly ones but I don't have a feeder this year and I miss them terribly. The other day, she came knocking at my door with a present for me! A hummingbird feeder. How sweet of her! Now I can drink my morning coffee on the deck and enjoy their flights! Below is a picture of my first visitor!

I played around with my pincushion collection, wanting to show them off as showcase worthy as possible. I found an old glass cookie jar, empty in the cupboard and decided to use it for now. My favorite one is an old red velvet like material. It was my first pincushion as a new wife and has been used over and over until it is now soft, faded, worn and stuffed with memories of quilting, last minute repairs on an item before someone left for school or work, homemade Halloween costumes, crafts for school projects and much more. Even though the others are also loaded with pins, I always reach for this one first. Some things just feel right.

Thanks for stopping by! Your visits and comments make my day brighter!
Every now and then when I become over envious of everyone's beautiful stitching on linen, I will pull out my 28ct. Monaco fabric to practice on. I keep hoping that one day my eyes will miraculously develop perfect vision again on their own whim and I will be able to turn out the same stunning work on this beautiful fabric. Oh, I'm not complaining because for so many years I unable to stitch at all but it can't hurt to try every so often. Right?

OMG! What was I thinking! I got it all set up and ready to put a few xxxxx's in. I went cross eyed in no time flat and had blurry vision for over 10 minutes. DH kept looking at me funny and finally asked why I was blinking so much! Maybe after I eventually have eye surgery I can try again but not now! So, I will visit blogs and drool over everyone's masterpieces on linen. As for me, Aida has been with me since the beginning and I can still count (literally) on it.
What WIPs do I have in my basket now? Marianne and The Mother's Tree are my current ones. The ones I saw alone and forgotten are A Weary World Rejoices by Shakespeare Peddler (which was nearing it's end when I set it down & pictured below) and AAFG by Rosewood Manor (which I have been working on for about 5 years now. OMG!) It might even be a good center piece to put into an A&E wall. I am about half way finished with that one. It's a fun stitch but it does get tedious.

My neighbor and I love to watch the hummingbirds during our daily chats out in the yard. She has several feeders and her yard is always full of the little friendly ones but I don't have a feeder this year and I miss them terribly. The other day, she came knocking at my door with a present for me! A hummingbird feeder. How sweet of her! Now I can drink my morning coffee on the deck and enjoy their flights! Below is a picture of my first visitor!
I played around with my pincushion collection, wanting to show them off as showcase worthy as possible. I found an old glass cookie jar, empty in the cupboard and decided to use it for now. My favorite one is an old red velvet like material. It was my first pincushion as a new wife and has been used over and over until it is now soft, faded, worn and stuffed with memories of quilting, last minute repairs on an item before someone left for school or work, homemade Halloween costumes, crafts for school projects and much more. Even though the others are also loaded with pins, I always reach for this one first. Some things just feel right.
Thanks for stopping by! Your visits and comments make my day brighter!
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