I have been watching Who Do You Think You Are on Friday Nights. It's a collaboration between NBC and ancestry.com. It is a journey for well known celebrities to find their family roots. So far, Sarah Jessica Parker and Emmit Smith have studied their family histories. Very interesting and I couldn't help but feel excited and a bit apprehensive for them since I am an on again off again minor league genealogist . This week Lisa Kudrow will take her family history journey. If you don't get a chance to watch or record it, you can go to NBC.com and watch all the full episodes there.
Daylight Savings Time started over the weekend. It will take a couple of days for me to adjust to the change but I do like the longer days once in a while.
Wow! What a great weekend. I picked up three framed designs! I can't wait to share them all with you! This meant a trip to the LNS. I am totally thrilled with them! I told Harold that with the cost of framing, I better be jumping up and down in glee at the results! He agreed since he is paying! lol. One piece was not ready and will be picked up this coming weekend. Oh, I took Thankful Wheeler in for framing as well. This is it for awhile unless I frame it.
I will be sharing one a day so that I can stretch out the anticipation a little more! First up is My Home is Built in Glory. As you recall, I started this right before my Dad got ill and decided to finish it in his memory. I picked it up on the 7 month anniversary of his death. Very fitting, I think. I am 100% thrilled with this framing job! I picked out a nice heavy frame. No frills. Just something good and substantial to bring out the beauty of the design!
One of the charts the LNS ordered for me was in. I ordered the new chart Parting Hour by Beth Twist and an older one, Mary Corey by Threads of Gold. Mary Corey has not arrived yet but I told them to just set it aside for me when it comes. And by the way, these were already ordered before I said I would be good on my stash buying until next Market! I had to stick that bit of FYI in there mainly for my own benefit!
Thanks so much for stopping by! Until next time, may you have simple days and uncluttered heart!
Oh wow, Sherry! The LNS did a great job on your framing--your sampler is perfect! You picked out a wonderful moulding for it--it lets the stitching shine. Very nice. I can't wait to see what's next!
I am so hoping that we'll get to see the US "Who Do You Think You Are"! It is based on a UK show and there's an Irish edition of it as well. I find it absolutely fascinating. On one of the UK episodes, they had an Olympian who traced his roots back to one of King Henry VIII's wives. Another episode featured Jerry Springer, who was born in England. He wanted to find out what happened to his grandmothers in the Holocaust. He followed their progress and ultimate end to Auschwitz and found out the exact way they died. It was gut wrenching. Another episode (I promise I'll stop after this!) showed Ainsley Harriot--the guy with the cooking show--who traced his roots to slavery in the West Indies. He was so angry to know how his ancestors were treated--and then even more upset when he found out that another ancestor was a slave owner. Very powerful.
Have a great week!
Beautiful, Sherry! I love how your sampler came out! I bet you're so excited about all your framing. I'm looking forward to seeing all of them!
That show on ancestry does sound interesting. I should try to watch them online or something. I'm so bad about remembering to watch things when they're on!
Your framed piece turned out great, can't wait to see the others.
I haven't heard of the show you mentioned, will have to go check it out online.
Your first framed piece is beautiful. Can't wait to see the others.
I absolutely love the simplicity of the frame you chose! It really sets off your beautiful stitching! Can't wait to see the others!
I haven't seen that show yet, I'll have to try and catch it, as it sounds interesting!
Sherry your sampler My Home is Built in Glory is framed beautifully and how special it is.
Yes Daylight Savings Time in the Spring can be a tough time. It definitely will take a few days to adapt.
I did see the first episode of WDYTYA and thought it quite interesting, missed the second one.
Have a great week.
Gorgeous framing. And stitching too. The frame is just perfect for the piece.
I love that show and hope to watch all of them. Since I am a genealogist it is right up my alley. :)
Beautiful, Sherry! Excellent frame choice. Looking forward to seeing the others.
Beautiful framing! I love the simple moulding...it makes the stitching pop!
Oof, getting up for work today with one less hour but I know I will enjoy more light in the evening to start taking a daily walk after work.
I think I need to watch this show. Maybe I can catch it next Friday. Thanks for the heads up. It sounds interesting.
Love your framed piece...very pretty.
I did watch Sarah Jessica Parker's episode and it inspired me to drag out all of my research and see if I can get it going again! DH and I are going to Ireland in the fall and I would love to have some family history uncovered before we go just in case I could visit specific sights!
Can't wait to see the rest of your framing!
Love the framing on the stitching! Waht a great choice!
Orders before market do not count. I wish I could be strong like you and not order but...I do need a few pieces of fabric for a few stitchy projects.
I'll have to check the net for TV program as I miss remember when it is on every week.
Happy Stitching!
Your piece looks wonderful framed Sherry. I can't wait to see the others you took in.
I have never watched the show, but I've wanted to. Seems that I have trouble wrestling the remote from other members in the family. ;o(
What a lovely finish, Sherry--perfect frame, too!
I also am hooked on "Who Do You Think You Are"--it is so interesting how they track down each person's history. I doubt if mine would be that interesting :)
Sherry, your sampler is picture perfect! I love the frame and it absolutely compliments the design perfectly! I will get to this eventually.... I can't wait to see tomorrows post!
I watched the Sarah Jessica Parker episode thanks to you letting me know about NBC.com today. She's so dang cute!
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