Sunday, September 29, 2019

A Quick Catch Up

I know. I didn't post last week. I could have but it would have been so short and sort of dull so I decided to wait until I had a little more.

Where is Fall? The calendar says it is Fall but the temps outside say completely different with days up in the mid 90s!  I am ready for sweater weather!

We celebrated another anniversary! I told the Grumpy Ol Gazer that we would never have a 43rd anniversary again! LOL. Later the same week, he had a birthday.  He had been hinting around for a DNA test kit for some time so that was his birthday present! Since they were on sale, I bought one for myself too.

In between all the busyness I was able to get some work on Sister's Garden by La D Da. I was hoping it might move along a little faster but when life (and hand cramps) happens....  I just love it more and more as I stitch on it!

My bushes came in. The Grumpy Ol Gazer said he would help me put them out this weekend. There will be blueberries and blackberries for the birds next year. And a lovely butterfly bush to attract flutterbies!

I played in my stash again and got my charts ready for next year's stitching. I think I will leave it as a surprise since I may not get around to all of them or I might change my mind!

Until next time may you have simple days and an uncluttered heart.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Good Morning

I will be back soon with another post! Until then may you have simple days and an uncluttered heart,

Friday, September 06, 2019

Feed Those Birds!

You know me and my birds so I just could not resist listing some Autumn bird watching tips!

1. Don't wait until the really cold weather to start feeding the birds again. There are still plenty of berries and insects but now is the time to begin because they are already shopping around for yards to frequent and stay close to for the upcoming Winter months that are around the corner. I always say that I feed the birds November through the end of May but I actually start putting out just enough to get their attention around Mid October.

2. Several things that will attract them over Autumn and keep them close during the Winter is a good variety of feeders. Also try putting out several trays on the ground. I use large terra cotta saucers for the ground feeding birds. Use a variety of seeds, unshelled peanuts, dried fruit to keep them happy. And remember that variety does not mean big bucks! Keep it simple.

3. Don't have a suet feeder? Try smearing peanut butter on the bark of a tree or simply break up the suet and put it into a bowl for the birds. Don't hesitate to make a feeder with pinecones, peanut butter and seeds like we made as kids. It works and the birds will love you for it!

4. Keep those bird baths full with clean water. Even a few old shallow pots or bowl set around with water are good. Birds don't care how much you spend or how fancy it is. They just appreciate that you do it.

5. If you have bird houses and/or roosting pockets, clean them out and get them ready for shelter on those chilly nights and even colder Winter time. No bird houses? You can still provide shelter. A pile of twigs and old leaves make for a comfy cozy night.

6. After you have taken care of the basics, sit back and enjoy watching the birds!

Now is the time to put out the word to your feathered friends that your yard is a good place to be over the upcoming seasons.

Until next time may you have simple days and an uncluttered heart.