As I sit here updating my blog, I am waiting on a phone call from my doctor. It is my gallbladder and I will need surgery. They will have to refer me to a surgeon and so on. I need to let my doctor know that we need to speed this up some! I got word about my dad and it looks like I will need to get back there as quickly as possible!
I told Harold that we need to move some of our birdhouses to the side of our storage building. There are some stray cats that I have been having to "shoo" away from the occupied houses because they are stalking the present tenants! I love hearing all my babies chirping so early in the morning!
There is definitely not much news this morning but the day is still young! LOL. If you get a chance, Vonna's blog is a must read today! She always has a way of helping me put things in perspective about myself and my life! Now, that's a friend!
Thank you all for visiting. I know my posts have been sort of on the down side lately. I am hoping things will begin to look better very soon and I am grateful to you all for continueing to stop by during this terrible slump! Until next time, may you have simple days and an uncluttered heart!
Sherry! I'm so sorry to hear this. on the other hand, at least you know what the problem is now and can solve the problem. I hope the doctors are good about being speedy. I know you want to be with your father. You poor thing -- so much to deal with at once. There's no reason not to share your problems with us. Just remember, thoughts and prayers are going out to you. Hugs!
Gall Bladder surgery today is usually a breeze. (Mine was years ago and not so much fun. An eight inch scar!) Two of my sisters had the new way and one was back to work in two days! I do hope you are able to schedule the procedure asap. I'm sorry to hear about your Dad and hope you are able to get to him soon.
Don't worry about being "down". Hey with all you are going through you are allowed and that's what we are here for.
I love the photo of the little bird. Great shot.
Hope everything works out with the scheduling and that your surgery goes smoothly and quickly.
Try to take care of yourself while you're taking care of your father. {{hugs}}
I agree with Kathy, Sherry. I had my gb out years and years ago at the ripe old age of 21. It is a much easier procedure now. Some comfort, huh? I hope you can get it behind you quickly so you can be with your dad.
Your birdie photos continue to bring a smile to my face and heart; you have such a way with your camera!
Sending big, big hugs your way!
Sorry to hear the bad news but what the other gals are saying is pretty dead on. My dad had the surgery and he was back and moving around soon after. Hope they get it scheduled soon so you can go see your dad. Hang in there!
What a blessing and relief it must be to know what the problem is. We will be praying that your surgery goes well and for a speedy recovery so you can see your father soon.
I'm glad you finally have a diagnosis. From everyone I know who's had the surgery, they all felt so much better afterwards! Your little birdie pic is so cute! Hope things pick up for you soon. :)
Bummer on your diagnosis Sherry and of course the timing is not good (is it ever) with your dad being ill. The good news is they've made so many advancements with gall bladder surgery with the endoscopic procedures which really reduce the recovery time. I am keeping good thoughts flowing your way for a speedy solution. I had gall bladder attacks for 4-5 months 30 years ago and they were AWFUL - luckily for me, the stone passed and I've not had any problems since. I'm hoping those cats stay away from your young birds!
My sister-in-law had gallbladder problems for YEARS. And it did make her "collapse" from time to time. When she finally had it removed, she was a new {painfree} person. I dearly hope that the same is true for you.
Sherry, I am so sorry to hear that you are going to have to have surgery with everything else you are dealing with. Please take care, and I'll be sending my prayers.
I am glad that you have gotten a diagnosis. We will keep you in or thoughts and prayers for you and yours. Big warm hugs!!!!!
Love the little bird snap!!!
I'm so glad it was something as simple as a gallbladder. That surgery is usually an easy one. I had mine out 20 years ago when it was cut through the tummy ~ big scar! Still, no surgery is fun. I'll be thinking of you!
Sherry so sorry to hear about your Dad and now you are not in good condition. Hopefully the Gall Bladder surgery will be soon and it should be quick and you could be back to some normalcy soon.
Take care of those little birdies!
Sherry, a friend of mine just had his gallbladder removed last year and said he feels better than he has ever felt in his life... Thinking of you...
Sorry to hear you need to have surgery. Hope you have a speedy recovery. Sorry also about your father. I'll be saying some prayers for you and your family.
Oh, love the little bird picture!
Sherry, continued big hugs and prayers, for both you & your dad. Remember to take care of yourself, and that we are here for you.
Love the bird photo!
Am sorry to hear about your upcoming surgery, but if it makes you feel any better, my mom had it and said it was a breeze. And she is one of those people who can make a dramatic series out of a pimple! LOL Anyway, many thoughts and prayers and thank goodness you know now what the problem was.
Sherry, at least you finally have a diagnosis. Hope your surgery is able to scheduled quickly and that it goes smoothly. I'm sorry to hear that your Dad is not doing well and hope you are able to get back to him soon.
Hi Sherry, you just go have that bad boy removed and be done with it. My hubby had his removed and it wasn't a hard recovery. As always, love your photos.
Take care, and here's a big hug!
Sherry, I hope everything is OK with you. Maybe you surgery is already over. If not I wish you all the best and a smooth and quick recovery.
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