I worked on getting four more patterns kitted up yesterday but other than that there was no stitching. My hands and my eyes needed a well deserved break and I will probably extend their vacation through the remainder of the week. In the meantime, I have pulled 10 designs that are on my "next" list. My list often changes as I complete some and others are bumped to a lower spot for new designs that come out! These are not in any type of order. Just a list. I haven't decided which one will actually be pulled for the next new start. Who knows - I may have to start on more than one!
1. Rubie Owl's by Plum Street Sampler
2. Bird in the Bower by Plum Street Sampler
3. Bird Sampler by Birds of a Feather
4. A Weary World Rejoices by Shakespeare Peddler
5. Birds of a Feather by Blackbird Designs
6. Quilt Time Sampler by Little House Needleworks
7. Love Thy Neighbor by La D Da
8. Awake the Dawning Day by Blackbird Designs
9. A Whistling Girl by Hands to Work
10. With One Accord by Heartstring Primitive
I have gotten so bad about forgetting things that I have to keep a weekly "to do and get" list now. It helps so I shouldn't complain. It keeps track of places we need to go on our weekend errands, things we need to pick up, people I need to call for appointments and more.
This giant Sweet Gum in our backyard wooded area will be a thing of the past after tomorrow. Yes, it is coming down. It has been a home to birds in the Spring and Summer and shelter from the cold in the Winter but it is old and is causing worry because of how it leaning and large branches easily break off. I know the birds will miss it as much as I will if not more!
Until next time - stay safe, stay happy and stay well!