Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Getting Back to Normal

What a terrible wonky week it was around here! Last Wednesday the Grumpy Ol Gazer was not feeling his best. He just got worse as the day went on. Around midnight he woke me up because he felt he needed to go to the hospital. I jumped out of bed and into action, getting dressed and calling an ambulance. We followed the ambulance to the hospital and the nurses proceeded to chase me out and told me no visitors! He finally was able to come home yesterday. It was scary for me but also for him because he has ditched a few bad habits so this hopefully doesn't happen again!

We still do the majority of our shopping as pick up but the walk in store usually has the best supply of ice cream and this is an ice cream junkie household! Ice cream for milkshakes, ice cream in a bowl, ice cream sundaes, ice cream with cobblers!

Speaking of cobblers.....  I made another blueberry cobbler last week. They get eaten up as soon as they come out of the oven! I am taking full advantage of fresh blueberry season with this delicious cobbler! Next on my list is a strawberry cobbler. This one uses frozen strawberries but the brand I buy taste like they were just picked!

We have had too much rain lately! Along with some mighty loud storms! Those rainy days do make for good stitching days but I am ready for the sun to come out for a while!

I ordered this cute design as my reward for having so many dr. appointments over the next few months. I have at least one appt. a week through the middle of August. Sometimes more than one. So I decided to spoil myself a little with this sweet design by Heart in Hand Designs.

I have my appointment for the framing sale next week! I can't wait! I have several new starts. One small that I hope to finish before the framing appointment and a larger one that I work on during the weekends. I will save them for show at a later date. I just know if I show them now, I will jinx them and set them aside!

Until next time may you have simple days, an uncluttered heart and stay well!


Robin in Virginia said...

Sherry, I am glad your Grumpy Old Gazer is feeling better. We love ice cream here, but only keep small amounts (pints) in the house. Have a good day!

marly said...

Glad your husband is ok! We still aren't allowed in hospital here even though my county is now green.

That cobbler looks so good. Better with ice cream.

Hope your appts. all go well.

butterfly said...

What a worry for you, so happy your hubby is ok .

The cobbler looks so yummy.

Enjoy your day.

OLga said...

Bella l'intestazione del tuo blog con la bambolina di "Scus"(cartoccio di mais) tipica del Friuli.Ciao