Sunday, January 16, 2011

News of Sorts

Our weather is still c-o-l-d with a big fat brrrrrrr on the end! The sun has been melting off some of this ice and snow but a week after the big storm, we still have plenty left and the temps get so low at night that it just freezes right back over again! I am so ready for Spring and warmer days (and nights). Everyone around here is sick of snow and ice after this last storm. We did have a major heatwave over the weekend and reached highs in the high 40's but everyone is waiting to see if it last or we slump back into freezing temps again. Our weekend was nothing out of the ordinary. Grocery shopping and errands. I enjoyed stitching with a nice cozy throw tossed over my lap.

January has not been the best month for us and a really bad way to start off a new year! Two busted pipes and two cars, both needed some major work!

Opportunity knocked at my door and I had the chance to make a stitchy order. Once in a while especially when you feel like everything is falling in around you, it's good to spoil yourself! I had promised myself that I would be good this year and not make many orders but when opportunity knocks........ *wink*

I decided to keep it small or at least not big enough to fill up the Grand Canyon! I knew I could not make it through the year without any orders so I set a limit for myself. If I can keep to that, I will be satisfied.

I knew I needed some fabric and threads. Check. Since these are basically necessities, I don't count them as part of my limit. I would like to make a trip to Mary Jo's fabric store to see what they have available in cross stitch fabric - if anything. Sometimes they have a nice selection.

On to the designs. I am not as big a A&E fan like many people but every now and then one comes along that I really want to do. So was the case with Guarding Eden by Examplars from the Heart. I first saw it stitched up on Siobhan's blog and the more I went back to look at it, the more I wanted it. In the basket and ordered!

Marianne Wenn over at Needleprint (scroll down to January 10, 2011 post) is a stunning piece and and the colors are breath taking! Who wouldn't want this in their stash? Terri has ordered it as well so maybe we can encourage each other to keep those fingers moving. In the basket and ordered (and arrived already).

I saw a sneak peak of Jenny Bean's Creation Sampler by Shakepeare's Peddler and I already know it will be a must have as well but that will after it is released! After this, I will be nearing my limit!

Stitching is moving along slowly on awwr but I still have high hopes of finishing it off very soon. My pie birds sing to me as I stitch! *wink*

I know I signed up for the Crazy January challenge but in all reality I only did it as an incentive to get my hands busy and do more stitching. If I can finish off these this year along with (possibly) another one or two, I will be a very happy person! I applaud and marvel at those of you who stuck by the challenge rules 100%. I have watched your work with eager eyes.

Thanks so much for stopping by! Your visits and comments always make my day!


Margaret said...

I so agree on the cold and snow. Ugh. We seem to be getting colder instead of warmer. Near zero at night and only 21 for a high tomorrow. Brrr! Too cold. And tons of snow still on the ground. You placed some good orders there! I agree -- I need to limit myself too. I hope I can manage to do it. Market is always such a temptation. But yes, the Jenny Bean Creation Sampler will be a must for me!

Deb said...

It's colder than anything here too. I think it got down about 0 last night. I don't think we've had a warmer day in I don't know how long.

I love the A&E pieces that you talked about. The JB Creation Sampler is a definite must for me. I heard that there are a few others looming on the horizon. I'm trying to be good, that Needlepoint one too!

Jan said...

It is getting a bit tiresome, isn't it? All of the cold, ice and snow. Someone on the news said last night, that winter has not even been official for a momth yet. Guess I didn't need to hear that, and sorry, you didn't either! lol

Wonderful new choices for you, Sherry! I too ordered the Marianne Wenn Sampler!

connie said...

Love your pie birds..I have several that are old.I collect them ..

Susan said...

Well, I can't say that it is very cold here except at night as we have been blessed with temps in the hi 40s to mid 50s. Rain in forecast for today.
Can't say that I won't purchase any new charts but I have so many now that I need to have a fire sale without having the fire. I do like the Jenny Bean.
Happy Stitching!

Siobhán said...

Oh, I love your pie birds! That's what they're called, right?! For awhile I wanted to collect them. I think my husband would kill me if I were to collect anything else, so I gave it a miss. Love them, though!

GOOD FOR YOU on the ordering!! We need a little stash now and then, and there could be worse things to spend our money on! I am trying to limit myself, too. It stinks but organizing everything for the challenge made me realize just how much I have and really do want to stitch.